Never out of stock fabrics are just what they say they are: materials that are always available....
Simplifying sourcing
Material Exchange is simplifying sourcing for the fashion industry, making it easy for brands to find the materials and garments they need for their next best-selling collections and for suppliers to showcase their products more effectively to those brands.
Simplifying sourcing
Material Exchange is simplifying sourcing for the fashion industry, making it easy for brands to find the materials and garments they need for their next best-selling collections and for suppliers to showcase their products more effectively to those brands.
Liberating brands
they need for their next best-selling collections.
Empowering suppliers
more effectively to brands.
Liberating brands
Empowering suppliers
Meet Frank
Frank, our newest sourcing expert, can find you the perfect materials and order your samples quicker than you can say “fabric”. Say hello to simple sourcing.
Meet Frank
Frank, our newest sourcing expert, can find you the perfect materials and order your samples quicker than you can say “fabric”. Say hello to simple sourcing.
Latest news
Fiber production is a rapidly evolving industry and is moving fashion in a more sustainable direction. As...
Some of the most luxurious fabrics in the world are made using Egyptian cotton - and denim...
Our sourcing expert Frank the bear isn't just a regular bear. He's quite the fashionista and is...